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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 dolls
28 dolls' beds
28 dolls' clothes
28 dolls' clothing
28 dolls' clothing accessories
28 dolls' feeding bottles
28 dolls' furniture
28 dolls' houses
28 dolls' rooms
28 dolls' tricycles
28 dominoes
28 draughtboards
28 draughts (games)
28 draughts [games]
28 drones [toys]
28 dumb-bells
28 edges of skis
28 educational playthings
28 educational playthings for use in teaching
28 elbow guards [sports articles]
28 electric chess games [automatic][other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electric games [automatic] [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electric train sets [toys]
28 electronic activity toys
28 electronic activity toys incorporating a talking mechanism
28 electronic educational games
28 electronic educational games machines for children
28 electronic educational teaching games
28 electronic educational teaching games for children
28 electronic games [automatic] [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games being automatic [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games being coin-freed [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games being counter-freed [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games for the teaching of children [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games in the form of a watch [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic games machines [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 electronic playthings
28 electronic remote controlled toy vehicles
28 electronic remote controlled toys
28 electronic targets
28 electronic toys
28 electronically operated toy vehicles
28 exercise apparatus, other than for medical rehabilitative purposes
28 exercise bicycles (stationary-)
28 exercise boots [other than for orthopaedic or rehabilitative purposes]
28 exercise cycles (stationary-)
28 exercise devices, other than for medical rehabilitative purposes
28 exercise equipment, other than for medical rehabilitative purposes
28 exercise machines, other than for medical rehabilitative purposes
28 exercisers [expanders]

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