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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 textiles made of silk
24 textiles made of synthetic fibres
24 textiles made of wool
24 tick [linen]
24 ticks [mattress covers]
24 tissue box covers of textile
24 tissue case covers of textile
24 tissue paper box covers of textile
24 tissues of cloth for removing make-up
24 tissues [textile piece goods]
24 toilet covers [textile]
24 toilet paper dispenser covers [fabric]
24 toilet seat covers [fabric]
24 toilet seat covers made of cloth
24 toilet seat covers of textile
24 towel blankets
24 towelling materials for making articles of clothing
24 towels for cleaning use
24 towels of textile
24 towels of textile
24 towels [textile]
24 towels [textile] for toilet use
24 traced cloth for embroidery
24 traced cloths for embroidery
24 travel blankets
24 travel cot sheets
24 travelling rugs [lap robes]
24 trellis [cloth]
24 tulle
24 tweed fabric piece goods to be manufactured into clothing
24 upholstery fabrics
24 upholstery fabrics
24 upholstery materials
24 valance sheets
24 valanced bed sheets
24 valances made of fabric
24 valances (textile draperies)
24 velours for furniture
24 velvet
24 velvet textiles
24 vertical flags, made of textile
24 vinyl cloth
24 vinyl cloth for covering outdoor furniture and barbecue grills
24 vinyl coated cloth
24 wall coverings of textile
24 wall decorations of textile
24 wall hangings of textile
24 wall hangings [textile]
24 wall plaques of textile
24 wash cloths

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