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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 7 - Mechanical Equipment

Machines, machine tools, power-operated tools; motors and engines, except for land vehicles; machine coupling and transmission components, except for land vehicles; agricultural implements, other than hand-operated hand tools; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines.
Commonly used descriptions: agricultural implements other than hand-operated; air condensers; anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; automatic vending machines; blowing machines; bread cutting machines; compressors [machines]; cutters [machines]; door openers, electric; drilling machines; electric hammers; electric hand drills; electric welding apparatus; electricity generators; elevating apparatus; excavators; filling machines; food processors, electric; garbage [waste] disposals; incubators for eggs; machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); machines and machine tools; mixing machines; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); packaging machines; printing machines; robots [machines]; spraying machines; vacuum cleaners; washing machines [laundry];
Class Class Name
7 knives for mowing machines
7 knives [parts of machines]
7 label cutting and folding machines
7 label cutting machines
7 label printing machines
7 labellers [machines]
7 labelling machines [other than for office use]
7 lace making machines
7 ladles used for metal metallurgy treatment
7 laser applied machining devices
7 laser processing apparatus
7 laser processing machines
7 lasts for shoes [parts of machines]
7 lathe tools [tools for metalworking and woodworking machines]
7 lathes
7 lathes [machine tools]
7 lathes [machines]
7 laundry presses
7 laundry washing machines
7 lawn aerators [machines]
7 lawn mowing machines
7 lawn trimmers [machines]
7 lawnmowers
7 lawnmowers [machines]
7 LCD (liquid crystal display) manufacturing equipment
7 LCD (liquid crystal display) manufacturing machines
7 leather paring machines
7 leather tanning machines
7 leather treatment machines
7 leather trimming machines
7 leather-working machines
7 lift belts
7 lift chains
7 lift operating apparatus
7 lifting and hoisting apparatus
7 lifting apparatus
7 lifting gears for handling loads
7 lifting jacks [other than hand-operated]
7 lifting machines
7 lifting platforms
7 lifts
7 lifts for persons or goods
7 lifts, other than ski-lifts
7 lifts [other than ski-lifts and chair lifts]
7 light bulb making machines
7 linear motion guides for machines
7 linear motors for controlling automatic sliding doors
7 linear motors [other than for land vehicles]
7 liquefiers [machines]
7 liquid blending machines

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