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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 metal cable trays
6 metal cables (non-electric)
6 metal cages for wild animals
6 metal cane fittings
6 metal cases for storing articles and/or materials
6 metal castings
6 metal ceiling boards
6 metal ceiling tiles
6 metal ceilings
6 metal chains
6 metal chains and anchoring articles for animals
6 metal chains and anchoring devices for animals
6 metal channels
6 metal cleats (other than for nautical use)
6 metal clips
6 metal coils
6 metal collecting boxes
6 metal compost bins
6 metal connection cable (non-electric)
6 metal connectors for pipes
6 metal construction materials
6 metal container closures
6 metal containers
6 metal containers for compressed gas or liquid air
6 metal containers for storage of audiotapes
6 metal containers for storage of blueprints
6 metal containers for storage of computer disks
6 metal containers for storage of computer software
6 metal containers for storage of computer tapes
6 metal containers for storage of films
6 metal containers for storage of master recordings
6 metal containers for storage of medical records and X-ray films
6 metal containers for storage of microfiches
6 metal containers for storage of microfilms
6 metal containers for storage of optical disks
6 metal containers for storing articles and/or materials
6 metal couplers
6 metal coupling and joints
6 metal cylinders for compressed gas
6 metal decorative boxes
6 metal die casting
6 metal display stands
6 metal display units and metal racks for merchandising products
6 metal door fittings
6 metal door frames
6 metal door handles
6 metal door knobs
6 metal door knockers
6 metal door locks
6 metal doors

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