CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 residential medical treatment services
44 rest home services
44 rest home services
44 rest home services for the elderly
44 restorative and reconstructive dentistry services
44 rose arrangement design services
44 salon advisory services relating to make-up and hair styles
44 salon treatment services
44 salt water therapy
44 sanatorium services
44 sanatorium services
44 sauna and massage parlour services
44 sauna and solarium services
44 sauna services
44 scalp treatments rendered through the use of hair and scalp treatment preparations
44 screening, diagnostic, treatment and information services relating to healthcare
44 selection of cosmetics on behalf of individuals
44 services of a psychologist
44 sight-testing services
44 skin acid peel, fruit acid peel, microdermabrasion and chemical skin peel services
44 skin and health analysis services
44 skin, beauty and health care services
44 skin care and beauty treatment services
44 skin care center services
44 skin care consultation and treatment
44 skin care salon services
44 skin care services
44 skin care treatment
44 skin lightening services
44 skin tone and skin textural improvement services
44 skincare treatment services
44 slimming and weight loss services
44 slimming and weight reduction treatment
44 slimming, body shaping and beauty care advisory and consultancy services
44 slimming salon and treatment services
44 slimming salon services
44 slimming services relating to human beings
44 slimming treatment services
44 solarium services
44 spa and bath treatment services
44 spa bath services
44 spa, sauna and steam room services
44 spa services
44 speech therapy
44 spine massaging
44 sports medicine services
44 steam bath services
44 sun tanning services
44 supervision of weight reduction programmes
44 surgery services for the treatment of sleep apnea

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