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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 43 - Catering & Accommodation

Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.
Commonly used descriptions: accommodation bureaux [hotels, boarding houses]; arranging of banquets; bar services; boarding for animals; boarding house bookings; boarding houses; cafés; cafeterias; day-nurseries [crèches]; food sculpting; holiday camp services [lodging]; hotel reservations; hotel accommodation services; motels; providing campground facilities; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; rental of cooking apparatus; rental of drinking water dispensers; rental of lighting apparatus other than for theatrical sets or television studios; rental of meeting rooms; rental of temporary accommodation; rental of tents; rental of tourist homes; rental of transportable buildings; restaurants; retirement homes; self-service restaurants; services for providing food and drink; snack-bars; temporary accommodation reservations;
Class Class Name
43 reservation of meals
43 reservation of temporary accommodation
43 reservation services for holiday accommodation
43 reservation services for hotel accommodation
43 reservation services for hotel and other temporary accommodation
43 reservation services for hotels and restaurants
43 reservation services for meals
43 reservation services for restaurants and meals
43 reservation services for temporary accommodation
43 reservation services for temporary accommodation, accommodation bureaux (boarding houses), hotels, resorts (accommodation) and serviced apartments (temporary accommodation)
43 reservation services for temporary accommodation and meals
43 reservation services for tourist accommodation
43 reservation services for travellers' accommodation
43 reservation services of hotel accommodation
43 resort hotel services
43 resort hotels
43 resort services (accommodation)
43 resorts (accommodation)
43 restaurant and bar services
43 restaurant and bar services including takeaway
43 restaurant and cafe services
43 restaurant and cafe services specializing in Thai and Malay cuisine
43 restaurant and cafeteria services
43 restaurant and catering services
43 restaurant and catering services providing Sichuan food
43 restaurant and hotel services
43 restaurant and self-service restaurant services
43 restaurant and snack bar services
43 restaurant and tavern services
43 restaurant chain stores
43 restaurant, cocktail lounge, cafeteria, bar and catering services for travellers
43 'restaurant or cafe services for preparing and providing food and drink for consumption by customers
43 restaurant reservation services
43 restaurant services
43 restaurant services
43 restaurant services and takeaway fast food services providing sweetened soups, honey drinks, tea, desserts, sweetened beverages, fruit drinks, syrups, non-alcoholic drinks, bread and biscuits
43 restaurant services for providing Chinese noodles and Chinese style foodtuffs
43 restaurant services for providing food and drink
43 restaurant services for providing pizzas and Italian dishes and food
43 restaurant services for the provision of fast food
43 restaurant services for the provision of food and drink
43 restaurant services for the provision of noodles, rice noodles, congee, dim sum, Chinese dishes, Chinese traditional pastries, drinks and desserts
43 restaurant services providing bar facilities
43 restaurant services providing congee and rice dumpling
43 restaurant services (providing food and drink)
43 restaurant services providing food and drink
43 restaurant services (providing food and drink) in airports and for airlines
43 restaurant services providing Indonesian style cuisine
43 restaurant services providing noodles, congee, yakitori (grilled and skewered chicken), meat, fish, seafood, green pepper, mushroom, onion and/or vegetable, desserts and other food and drink
43 restaurant services providing prepared meals

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