CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 making reservations and bookings for transportation
39 managing delivery of goods
39 marine transport
39 marine transport services
39 message courier services
39 message delivery
39 message delivery services
39 messenger courier services
39 minibus bus transport services
39 minibus hire services
39 minibus transport services
39 motor coach rental
39 national and international freight services
39 navigation of aircraft
39 navigation services
39 newspaper delivery
39 operating canal locks
39 organisation of excursions
39 organisation of journeys
39 organisation of journeys for others
39 organisation of sightseeing tours
39 organisation of travel
39 organisation of trips
39 package holiday services for arranging travel
39 package tracking via a global computer network
39 packaging of articles for delivery
39 packaging of articles for transportation
39 packaging of articles to the order and specification of others
39 packaging of baggage
39 packaging of cargos
39 packaging of clothing articles for transportation
39 packaging of coffee powder
39 packaging of commodities
39 packaging of documents
39 packaging of furniture
39 packaging of gift packs
39 packaging of goods
39 packaging of goods for transportation
39 packaging of goods for use in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industries
39 packaging of household articles
39 packaging of liquefied petroleum gas
39 packaging of merchandise
39 packaging services
39 packaging services relating to food and drink
39 packing for shipment
39 packing of articles for transportation
39 packing of coffee beans
39 packing of coffee powder
39 packing of goods for storage
39 packing of goods for transport

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