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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 remote-controlled toy vehicles
28 rhythmic gymnastics ribbons
28 ride-on toy vehicles
28 ride-on toys
28 ring games
28 ring toss games
28 rings for sports
28 rockets being toy models
28 rocking horses
28 rocking toys
28 rods for fishing
28 role play games
28 roller skate boots
28 roller skates
28 roller skis
28 roller skis
28 rollers for stationary exercise bicycles
28 rosin used by athletes
28 rotating darts for games
28 roulette chips
28 roulette wheels
28 rowing machines for physical exercise [other than for medical use]
28 rubber toys
28 rugby balls
28 rugby footballs
28 safety restraints for use in sports
28 sailboard covers
28 sailboards
28 sailing (harnesses for-)
28 sand boxes [playthings]
28 sand boxes [sporting articles]
28 scale model cars [playthings]
28 scale model cars [toys]
28 scale model kits [toys]
28 scale model vehicles
28 scale model vehicles [playthings]
28 scale model vehicles [toys]
28 scale models [playthings]
28 scale models [toys]
28 scent lures for hunting or fishing
28 scooters [toys]
28 scratch cards for playing lottery games
28 seal skins [coverings for skis]
28 shanks for sporting articles
28 shin guards [sports articles]
28 shin pads [sports articles]
28 shin protectors [sports articles]
28 shock absorbtion pads for protection against injury [sporting use]
28 shovels [toys or playthings]
28 shuttlecocks

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